Tag Archives: Kurds
| Un démenti ferme mais fraternel de la brigade Henri Krasucki

Ce n’était pas un canular, la brigade Henri Krasucki existe bel et bien et voici leur réponse au démenti hâtif de la CGT, une mise au point ferme et fraternelle… .
Ci-dessous, leur réponse à la confédération CGT, publié le 29 septembre 2016 sur la page Facebook du Bataillon international de libération du Rojava , suivie d’un article qui décrit ce qui se passe au Rojava. :
In northern Syria, Turkey opens new front in its war against the Kurdish people

By Roger Annis
Turkey has intervened militarily into the region of northern Syria surrounding the town of Jarablus. The intervention is being conducted in the name of “fighting ISIS” but is, in fact, a pre-emptive strike to prevent the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces from expanding their influence and territorial control across northern Syria.
American YPG fighter: US backing Turkey-led Jarabulus operation is a slap in the face for Kurds

by Wladimir van Wilgenburg
A former US volunteer who fought with the Kurds against ISIS and was waiting for the Jarabulus operation, called the Turkish operation a slap in the face of Kurds, and a betrayal by the US that backed the Turkish operation.
“It’s a slap in the face to the Kurds. Not only them but also foreign volunteers,” Erwin Stran told ARA News. “We lost two Americans in the Manbij operation as well as others. Not to mention the Kurdish body count. Now the Kurdish push has been halted. At least it seems for now,” he added.
Syrian Kurds accuse Turkey of aggression in Syria

Syrian Kurdish officials attacked Turkey’s military intervention in Syria as “a blatant aggression” and warned that Ankara was entering a “quagmire” after it deployed tanks and troops against an Islamic State-held border town on Wednesday.
Turkish forces and Turkey-backed Syrian rebels have crossed the border to take the town of Jarablus from Islamic State in an operation described by Ankara as aimed at securing its frontier against both the jihadist group and Kurdish fighters.
Manbij entirely liberated from ISIS

The city of Manbij has been entirely liberated from ISIS on the 73rd day of the Operation Martyr Commander Faysal Abu Leyla launched by Manbij Military Council.
The operation was launched by Manbij Military Council fighters back on June 1 upon the demand of locals for the liberation of their land from inhumane ISIS gangs that held the city under occupation since 2014.