Category Archives: Russia
| Lavrov sur l’opération sur Mossoul: les combattants ISIS peuvent se déplacer vers la Syrie

« Nous allons évaluer la situation et prendre des décisions à la fois de nature politique et militaire si cela se produit, » – il a ajouté. « J’espère que la coalition menée par les USA, qui est activement engagée dans l’opération pour prendre Mossoul, va le prendre en compte. «
Protest and propaganda: What the Russian embassy row is all about

by Alex Snowdon
What’s behind the hysteria over protesting outside the Russian Embassy? Alex Snowdon considers the motives of Stop the War’s critics.
Another day passes without those who apparently want to protest at the Russian Embassy actually calling a protest outside the Russian Embassy.
| CIA Prepping for Possible Cyber Strike Against Russia

by Jason Ditz
According to a new report from NBC News, the CIA is actively selecting targets for a potentially imminent order from the White House to launch a “clandestine” cyber attack against the Russian government, with a particularly eye toward embarrassing Russian leaders.
Reflections on “The Strategic Case for EU-Russia Cooperation”

This summer, the ELN produced a bold report, “The Strategic Case for EU-Russia Cooperation”, urging the EU and Russia to clear a path towards strategic cooperation in the midst of today’s increasingly acrimonious stand-off. The dangers of continuing along the current downward path are too great, write Joseph Dobbs and Ian Kearns, while the contingent nature of this crisis’s origins suggests that its resolution is not impossible.
| Cold War, today, tomorrow, every day till the end of the world

by William Blum
“Russia suspected of election scheme. U.S. probes plan to sow voter distrust.”
That’s the Washington Post page-one lead headline of September 6. Think about it. The election that Americans are suffering through, cringing in embarrassment, making them think of moving abroad, renouncing their citizenship; an election causing the Founding Fathers to throw up as they turn in their graves … this is because the Russian Devils are sowing voter distrust! Who knew?