Category Archives: Libya
| Libyans Who Once Opposed Gaddafi Now Regret US-Led Regime Change

by Darius Shahtahmasebi
Who actually benefits from American-led wars across the globe? The aftermath of American-led conflicts shows it is not the common people, though the military and politicians vow they are liberating and protecting them.
The Sunday Mail, Zimbabwe’s “leading family newspaper,” has published accounts of a number of Libyans who expressed regret over Muammar Gaddafi’s overthrow in 2011, despite the fact some of them even took up arms against him. As one said:
| How Libyan ‘Regime Change’ Lies Echo in Syria

By James W Carden
Earlier this month, a select committee of British parliamentarians released a report which condemned the UK government under David Cameron for its role in the 2011 NATO intervention in Libya. The report makes plain that the principal basis on which the intervention was predicated – that then-Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi was on the verge of committing a wholesale slaughter of the rebel stronghold Benghazi – was a lie propagated by Western and Gulf State media outlets.
| Libye: un rapport parlementaire britannique dénonce l’intervention de 2011

Londres – L’intervention militaire britannique en Libye en 2011 était basée sur des postulats erronés, accusent des parlementaires britanniques dans un rapport publié mercredi qui critique sévèrement l’ancien Premier ministre David Cameron.
La Commission des Affaires étrangères a relevé plusieurs erreurs dans le processus décisionnel qui a amené Londres à intervenir militairement avec la France en 2011, officiellement pour protéger les civils réprimés par le dictateur Mouammar Kadhafi.
| British Troops Enter Syria and Libya to Ensure That War Outlives ISIS

The Normandy landings, launched 72 years ago this week, saw the opening of a second front against the Nazis in Europe by the US and the UK after years of procrastination. Despite the signing of a ‘mutual assistance’ agreement with Britain in 1941, and the Anglo-Soviet alliance in 1942, for years very little was done by the US or Britain to actually fight the Nazi menace. In a joint communique issued in 1942, they agreed to open a second front in Europe that same year, an agreement they broke and then postponed repeatedly, leaving the Soviets to fight the strongest industrial power in Western Europe alone for three years – at an eventual cost of 27 million lives.
‘500 dead’, confirm survivors of latest Mediterranean boat tragedy

Survivors of the latest mass tragedy to strike the Mediterranean have spoken out about their horrifying ordeal, when the overloaded boat capsized last week while making a crossing to Europe, killing as many as 500 passengers.
The 41 survivors – 37 men, three women and a three-year-old child – of the crossing from Tobruk in Libya were rescued and taken to Greece. They have confirmed that hundreds of people drowned when the non-seaworthy vessel tipped over.
UNHCR spokeswoman Carlotta Sami also said on Wednesday that survivors from Somalia, Sudan, Ethiopia and Egypt who were rescued from a small boat had described seeing a large shipwreck claiming hundreds of lives.