Category Archives: Iraq

France | Lavrov sur l’opération sur Mossoul: les combattants ISIS peuvent se déplacer vers la Syrie

Le ministère des affaires étrangères russe a mis en garde : si les combattants de l’État islamique sont autorisés à quitter Mossoul et aller en Syrie, la Russie prendrait les décisions militaires et politiques appropriées.
 « Pour autant que je sache, la ville n’est pas complètement encerclée. J’espère que c’est tout simplement parce que ce ne pouvait pas se faire, non pas parce que l’on souhaite ne pas le faire. Mais ce corridor présente un risque, les combattants de l’ État islamique [IS, anciennement ISIS / ISIL]  pourraient fuir Mossoul et aller en Syrie « , a déclaré Sergey Lavrov, mardi, en commentant le dispositif permanent du siège de la ville irakienne.

« Nous allons évaluer la situation et prendre des décisions à la fois de nature politique et militaire si cela se produit, »  – il a ajouté. « J’espère que la coalition menée par les USA, qui est activement engagée dans l’opération pour prendre Mossoul, va le prendre en compte. « 

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‘Sad of state affairs’ in Iraq as last month’s surge in violence leaves more casualties – UN


5 October 2016 – The United Nations in Iraq has reported that civilians continue to bear the brunt of the conflict in the country, with a more than 28 per cent spike in fatalities and a 17 per cent increase in injuries from August to September this year.

“It is a very sad state of affairs that the numbers of Iraqis killed and injured remains very high and unacceptable. Civilians continue to bear the brunt of the violence,” said Ján Kubiš, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General in Iraq said in a news release issued by the UN Assistance Mission in the country (UNAMI), which he heads.

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UK | Chilcot report: Tony Blair’s Iraq War case not justified


Tony Blair overstated the threat posed by Saddam Hussein, sent ill-prepared troops into battle and had “wholly inadequate” plans for the aftermath, the UK’s Iraq War inquiry has said.

Chairman Sir John Chilcot said the 2003 invasion was not the “last resort” action presented to MPs and the public.

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UK | Tony Blair faces calls for impeachment on release of Chilcot report


Senior figures from Labour and the Scottish National party are considering calls for legal action against Tony Blair if the former prime minister faces severe criticisms from the long-awaited inquiry into the war in Iraq.

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Baghdad bombing: Casualties in Karrada rise to 347


The security committee in Baghdad Provincial Council stated on Sunday that the casualties of the ISIS suicide bombing that occurred earlier today in Karrada have increased to 347, while informed that the resources available with Ministry of Defense is not enough and that they are not capable of managing security in the capital.

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