Tag Archives: US-Ukrainian relations
| Ukraine – Neocons in Action
Documentary: “Ukraine – The Masks of the revolution” by Paul Moreira
Documentary Project “Ukraine: The masks of the revolution” broadcast on the French TV channel Canal +. Ukrainian Embassy in Paris asked to take the broadcast of the film in France of the air. But what is in there that the Ukrainian authorities are so afraid of? Maybe the truth? Until now Europe does not know all of what actually happened and continues to happen in Kiev and across the country as a whole. Instead of this movie representatives of the Ukrainian Embassy in France have offered TV people to show on TV their version of events which is a hastily assembled fragments of formulaic propaganda, which most of Ukrainian TV channels are stuffed by. Premiere of documentary film directed by Paul Moreira, was held February 1, 2016. The plot tells the story of the tragic events that took place in Odessa: the fire in the House of Trade Unions and the burning of about 40 people (according to official figures) and 300 (unofficial sources). Director, talking about the shooting of the film said that his aim was to show the world the bloody history of Ukraine and Odessa in particular: “In the heart of Europe, people are burned alive and everyone is silent about that.”
| US activist claims Obama to ask Ukrainian president about Odessa massacre

Two years before shocking massacre was happened in Odessa. 48 people were killed in clashes between fascists and pro-federalists, most of the victims were federalism supporters burnt alive in the House of Trade unions. Since that time their relatives have formed a Council of mothers and insist for objective investigation into this crime. Five official investigations gave no result. Even United Nation’s higher commissioner for human rights pointed out that Ukrainian authorities are not interested to punish the organizers of this crime. Fascists have been in favour and their opponents have been oppressed these two years without any change. That is why the Council of mothers claims now for United Nation’s independent investigation (sign their petition here http://odessa2may.wesign.it/en )
Contrary to Kiev’s government many people all over the world support Odessans and the Council of mothers in their efforts to bring justice. The US journalist Phil Wilayto, Coordinator of Odessa Solidarity Campaign, has written a special letter to president Obama and claims him to ask Ukrainian president Poroshenko: “…Ask him to publicly pledge his government’s full cooperation with any new investigation. Ask him to release his government’s files on the massacre. Ask him to release the innocent surviving victims of the attack on the House of Trade Unions who are still being held in prison, many under deplorable conditions. And ask him to order the federal Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) to stop harassing members of the Council of Mothers in an attempt to terrorize them into silence”.
Mr. Wilayto supposes president Obama can talk to Poroshenko during the NATO Summit to be held July 8 and 9 in Warsaw, Poland, where meeting of two presidents was announced.
Here is the full statement by Phil Wilayto:
| US Department of State supports Odessa residents

April, 27. Washington
US Department of State deputy spokesperson Mark Toner made two important statements on Ukraine in press briefing on Tuesday: 1) The United States supports any peaceful events to commemorate the 2014 Odessa massacre in Ukraine, 2) Perpetrators of Odessa attack have to be brought to justice.
| Mocking greetings

Yesterday Ukrainian prime minister Yatsenyuk announced his resignation. The same day he spoke to the US vice president Joe Biden, as the US embassy to Ukraine has informed. First of all Biden thanked Prime Minister Yatsenyuk for his partnership to the USA. We can understand it well, if we remember Yatsenyuk was one of the leaders of US backed coup in Ukraine. But the next Biden’s passages could not be interpreted in other way as mocking. The US vice president “congratulated the government of Ukraine on its accomplishments over the past two years” and numbered some of them: 1) “economic reforms”, 2) “the signature of the European Union association agreement”, 3) “and the work it has done to increase energy independence”.
What does it mean? 1) As a result of so called economic reforms Ukrainian population felt in awful poverty. Ukraine has become the poorest country in Europe. Even Albania and Moldova have higher level of incomes per person. 2) “The signature of the European Union association agreement” was paid with a bloody civil war but nevertheless it remains some kind of mirage. The referendum recently hold in the Netherlands has blocked its implementation. 3) “The work it has done to increase energy independence” sounds like absurd sentence. Ukraine refused to buy Russian gas directly and now it buys it in Europe. Russia transits its gas westward and Ukraine buys it in the EU. Ukrainian government looses a lot of money on this schema, but its energy independence has not grown up.
After Biden numbered these “accomplishments”, “the leaders agreed these changes must be irreversible”.
Then two leaders “also agreed on the importance of assembling a new cabinet committed to implementing needed reforms, in particular those recommended by the International Monetary Fund and European Union”. Just those reforms resulted in catastrophic poverty!
At the end Biden commended Yatsenyuk’s further intention “to ensure the stability, prosperity, and territorial integrity of Ukraine”. What has Biden welcomed indeed? Yatsenyuk was one of political leaders who destroyed political stability in Ukraine by leading Maidan coup. The territorial integrity of Ukraine was broken out just under his leadership. He supported extremist political course and pushed millions of Ukrainians to side with Russia against his government. As for prosperity we have wrote before: it turned out a shocking poverty.
Biden’s speech is more then thanks to his vassal – it is mockery!
| The US blackmails Kiev credits

Yesterday Barak Obama met with Ukrainian president Poroshenko. As Poroshenko’s press-center informs, “President Obama confirmed willingness to provide the third tranche of loan guarantees in the amount of USD 1 billion upon completion of the formation of a new government in Ukraine”. It means the US rulers utilize political crisis in Ukraine in order to form there the government they want. The economical situation in Ukraine is desperate one: Kiev can’t survive without foreign donations. It is ready to form any government, donators demand to. But it becomes clear they are tiered of Kiev’s current policy and see their financial support as senseless due to monstrous corruption in Ukraine. It looks like the US feels friendly Ukrainian regime too expensive for its finance and tries to reduce production costs. Just before Poroshenko’s visit “The New York Times” has published an editorial “Ukraine’s Unyielding Corruption”. The article contains direct threat to Poroshenko: “But the president, the prime minister and the Parliament must be made to understand that the International Monetary Fund and donor nations, including the United States, cannot continue to shovel money into a corrupt swamp…” On this ground newspaper openly directs who must be dismissed in Ukraine. In fact, it is the same line as Obama proclaimed to Poroshenko. The US needs cheep satellites.