Tag Archives: Ukrainian fascists
| Still Do Not See Any Nazi? Ukrainian Nationalists Stage Massive March in Kiev

On Friday, several thousand Ukrainian ultranationalists descended onto the streets of Kiev to mark Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) day, dedicated to the 74th anniversary of the founding of the WWII-era Nazi collaborationist organization.
| Odessa residents demand punishment for ukrainian nationalist who crippled the 79-year old woman at the trade-unions building

The Odessa representative of the Office of the United Nations Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine (HRMMU) took on control a recent incident during the commemorative meeting on Kulikovo Field in case of which the elderly woman suffered.
As activists of the movement Kulikovo Field reported on October 9, a group of Ukrainian nationalists from “Right sector” attacked this opposition action. Criminal and fascist Sergiy Sternenko is especially active in the attacks.
| Russian investigative committee launchs criminal proceedings against “Right sector”

The department for investigating crimes of Investigative committee of Russia in cooperation with the Federal Security Service and the Interior Ministry has obtained evidence against leaders and activists of Right Sector, Ukrainian extremist organization. They concider “Right sector” uses prohibited ways and methods of warfare.
Odessa: Right Sector Attack May 2nd Mourners With Tear Gas

Members of the Odessa branch of “Right Sector”, on October 2nd, at the corner of Rishelievskaya and Malaya Arnautskaya, attacked a car with activists of Kulikovo field.
As was told to TIMER by the victims, the aim of the “righties” was to steal the makeshift memorial to those killed on 2 May 2014, which the activists raised on Kulikovo field during mourning — including on this day, October 2nd.
| President of Israel reminded crimes of glorified Ukrainian nationalists

Israel’s President Reuven Rivlin spoke on Tuesday in the Ukraine Parliament in Kiev. He visited Ukraine in order to take part in the 75th anniversary of the Babi Yar Massacre. The Babi Yar ravine on the outskirts of Kiev is the site of one of the Holocaust’s most notorious massacres, when at least 34,000 Jews were murdered in 1941 by the Nazi Einsatzgruppen (mobile killing squads).
In his address, Israel’s president warned the Ukraine lawmakers that although the relationship between Jerusalem and Kiev is today focused on the future, it is nevertheless important never to forget history. Rivlin said that anti-Semitism ‘must be recognized for what it was’ when the tens of thousands of Jews and non-Jews were slaughtered at Babi-Yar, and ‘for what it is today,’ and not rehabilitate or glorify anti-Semites. No interest can ever justify silence, apathy, or hesitation in the face of anti-Semites.