Tag Archives: Russia
| IPC Bans Paralympic Athletes to Bash Russia

| Nur mit Russland zusammen ist die europäische Sicherheit gewährleistet – Sahra Wagenknecht

World has slipped into a ‘new Cold War’: Russian PM

Strains between Russia and the West have plunged the world into a “new Cold War”, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said on Saturday.
With tensions high over the Ukraine conflict and Russia’s backing of the Syrian government, Medvedev said: “All that’s left is an unfriendly policy of NATO against Russia.
| The Syria Proxy War against the Islamic State (ISIS) Has Reached its Climax. Military Escalation, Towards a US-NATO Sponsored Ground Invasion?

Michel Chossudovsky
Washington’s strategy consists in spearheading a broader regional war by inciting Turkey, Saudi Arabia as well as Israel to do the “dirty work for us”.
Until recently, Syrian Government Forces together with their allies (Russia, Iran, Hezbollah) have been confronting so-called “opposition rebels” largely composed of “moderate” terrorists and mercenaries, with US-NATO intelligence and special forces forces operating covertly within their ranks.
| SCO meets on trade and security

The prime ministers of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) are meeting in Zhengzhou, central China’s Henan Province on Monday and Tuesday to discuss upgrading economic and security cooperation and anti-terrorism, a move seen by government officials as a response to economic downturn pressure and the growing threat of terrorism.