Tag Archives: Odessa massacre
| Odessa residents demand punishment for ukrainian nationalist who crippled the 79-year old woman at the trade-unions building

The Odessa representative of the Office of the United Nations Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine (HRMMU) took on control a recent incident during the commemorative meeting on Kulikovo Field in case of which the elderly woman suffered.
As activists of the movement Kulikovo Field reported on October 9, a group of Ukrainian nationalists from “Right sector” attacked this opposition action. Criminal and fascist Sergiy Sternenko is especially active in the attacks.
Odessa: Right Sector Attack May 2nd Mourners With Tear Gas

Members of the Odessa branch of “Right Sector”, on October 2nd, at the corner of Rishelievskaya and Malaya Arnautskaya, attacked a car with activists of Kulikovo field.
As was told to TIMER by the victims, the aim of the “righties” was to steal the makeshift memorial to those killed on 2 May 2014, which the activists raised on Kulikovo field during mourning — including on this day, October 2nd.
| State security as terrorist organization

State security service regional office in Odessa turned to be a center of terrorism. This conclusion of state security activity in Ukraine is based on data published by opposition media. As it known two years ago Ukrainian fascists organized massacre in Odessa. Since that time Odessans who lost the relatives carry out commemorative actions on the square Kulikovo Field near the place of mass death of people. Also traditionally unknown people call to police at the days of commemoration and report that the area, where activists gather, is mined. The police surround the area and do not allow holding a meeting near the Trade Unions Building where Odessa residents were killed. However every time the message on a mining of the area proves to be false. The police do not find any bombs. Under the Ukrainian laws the anonymous call by phone with the statement about a mining is considered a crime. Despite it the police still brought nobody charges.
Recently oppositional website “Timer” received an explanation of this riddle from the sources in the Odessa police. As the police officer who wished to remain anonymous reported, the police established long ago from where calls about a mining of the city square arrive. The staff of department of public safety of regional management of police established that calls about a mining of Kulikovo Field arrive from the telephone numbers registered in the building of State security regional office namely from department of protection of national statehood. Under the Ukrainian laws obviously untrue report on preparation of explosion is punished by restriction of freedom for a period of up to three years. However intelligence agencies in this country stand above the law.
| Right radicals attacked the lawyer in Odessa

On September 8 the Ukrainian fascists attacked the lawyer in a court house. This day the trial on the May’s massacre had to take place. On May 2, 2014 in Odessa as a result of clashes between fascists and supporters of federalization 48 people died, the majority from were them burned down alive in the Trade Unions Building. Now there is a trial of supporters of federalization while fascists, who killed dozens of inhabitants of Odessa, are not brought to trial. On this process the victims are judged as defendants.
One of supporters of federalization the defendant Valentin Vlasenko prior to the meeting communicated with his lawyer in the court yard, three fascists approached them and began to provoke the conflict. After a verbal sparring one of radicals applied a gas spray.
As a result of an incident Vlasenko suffered – he was hospitalized, besides, the lawyer also suffered.
The Vlasenko’s lawyer regards this incident as preventing of lawyer activity, as attack happened during communication of the lawyer with the client.
| US activist claims Obama to ask Ukrainian president about Odessa massacre

Two years before shocking massacre was happened in Odessa. 48 people were killed in clashes between fascists and pro-federalists, most of the victims were federalism supporters burnt alive in the House of Trade unions. Since that time their relatives have formed a Council of mothers and insist for objective investigation into this crime. Five official investigations gave no result. Even United Nation’s higher commissioner for human rights pointed out that Ukrainian authorities are not interested to punish the organizers of this crime. Fascists have been in favour and their opponents have been oppressed these two years without any change. That is why the Council of mothers claims now for United Nation’s independent investigation (sign their petition here http://odessa2may.wesign.it/en )
Contrary to Kiev’s government many people all over the world support Odessans and the Council of mothers in their efforts to bring justice. The US journalist Phil Wilayto, Coordinator of Odessa Solidarity Campaign, has written a special letter to president Obama and claims him to ask Ukrainian president Poroshenko: “…Ask him to publicly pledge his government’s full cooperation with any new investigation. Ask him to release his government’s files on the massacre. Ask him to release the innocent surviving victims of the attack on the House of Trade Unions who are still being held in prison, many under deplorable conditions. And ask him to order the federal Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) to stop harassing members of the Council of Mothers in an attempt to terrorize them into silence”.
Mr. Wilayto supposes president Obama can talk to Poroshenko during the NATO Summit to be held July 8 and 9 in Warsaw, Poland, where meeting of two presidents was announced.
Here is the full statement by Phil Wilayto: