| Still Do Not See Any Nazi? Ukrainian Nationalists Stage Massive March in Kiev

On Friday, several thousand Ukrainian ultranationalists descended onto the streets of Kiev to mark Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) day, dedicated to the 74th anniversary of the founding of the WWII-era Nazi collaborationist organization.
Protest and propaganda: What the Russian embassy row is all about

by Alex Snowdon
What’s behind the hysteria over protesting outside the Russian Embassy? Alex Snowdon considers the motives of Stop the War’s critics.
Another day passes without those who apparently want to protest at the Russian Embassy actually calling a protest outside the Russian Embassy.
| Death toll rises as Myanmar battles border attackers

Myanmar’s security forces have now killed at least 26 people in response to attacks on police that have sparked a dramatic escalation in violence in a Muslim-majority region along its border with Bangladesh, according to reports in state media. Armed men believed to be from the long-oppressed Rohingya Muslim minority launched a coordinated assault on three border police posts in the early hours Sunday, killing nine police, injuring five and making off with dozens of weapons and more than 10,000 rounds of ammunition. Military personnel and police reinforcements have poured into the Muslim-majority township of Maungdaw, northern Rakhine State, and have clashed with groups of up to 300 men, armed with pistols, swords and knives, according to official reports.
| CIA Prepping for Possible Cyber Strike Against Russia

by Jason Ditz
According to a new report from NBC News, the CIA is actively selecting targets for a potentially imminent order from the White House to launch a “clandestine” cyber attack against the Russian government, with a particularly eye toward embarrassing Russian leaders.
Proper handwashing may save the lives of 800 children a day worldwide – UNICEF

On the eve of Global Handwashing Day, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has reported that more than 300,000 children under the age of five died last year due to diarrhoeal infections linked to a lack of safe drinking water and sanitation – a rate of 800 per day that could have been prevented by proper handwashing.