Category Archives: Spain
Time for Counter-Coups in Latin America? – and Europe?

By Peter Koenig
What Happens when the accuser of terrorism are themselves the terrorists? – Namely the supra-national corporations and financial oligarchs acting in their own profit-driven interest, but under the direction of Washington and the protection of the US – NATO killer armies? Fear and confusion happens. Fear is the weapon of choice of the real terrorists, those who make us believe they are spreading and defending democracy. With fear they are subjugating the world to lick their feet – and worse. – But the people are waking up. All over the world. The linear Anglo-Zionist plans, like the PNAC – Plan for a New American Century – are imploding and their rubbles are becoming a dynamic, unpredictable mass-movement against this neoliberal, globalized One-World or New World Order tyranny.
| Spanish election: national newcomers end era of two-party dominance

Spanish politicians are gearing up for what could be weeks of complicated negotiations after the general election resulted in a deeply fragmented parliament, with the conservative People’s party losing ground to national newcomers Podemos and Ciudadanos.
| Catalan MPs voted for split from Spain

The Catalan parliament has backed a declaration initiating the first step towards independence from Spain.
Politicians, led by regional President Artur Mas, voted 72 to 63 in favour of a nine-point road map for complete autonomy.
The document voted on specifies the independence process “will not depend on the decisions of Spanish institutions, most particularly the Constitutional Court.”
In September the Spanish government increased the powers of the Court to enable the quick suspension of leaders who disobey its orders.
Spain’s Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy says his government would file an appeal with the Constitutional Court. He told a news conference this would ensure the independence declaration has “no consequences.”
The secessionist Junts pel Si bloc and
CUP are leading the push, which will see the basic laws for founding a sovereign state decided on within the next 30 days.
Independentests will then seek to establish a Catalan republic within 18 months.

Ukrainian radicals attempt to disrupt a lecture at the Complutense University of Madrid, dedicated to the humanitarian disaster in the Ukraine, failed: Students expelled Bandera vzashey. From 7 to 23 October in Madrid’s Complutense University at the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology is a series of events dedicated to the situation in Ukraine, in particular – the photo exhibition “Odessa Hatyn” and “humanitarian catastrophe of Donbass”, as well as a series of lectures for the students.
| Conference Devoted to Fight against Fascism in Ukraine – Gijon, Spain

The talks at the conference in a Spanish town of Gijon were about the fight against fascism in Ukraine. The conference was organized by the Asturian Committee of Solidarity with antifascist Ukraine. The conference was also attended by representatives of the “Essence of Time” public movement, witnesses of the May 2014 Odessa tragedy, and everybody who would like to know what is happening in the South-East of Ukraine.