France’s arts and culture sector will receive its largest amount of federal funding ever starting next year, with the allotted budget for the Department of Culture and Communication set to increase to €3.6 billion (~USD 4 billion). The leap of 5.5% marks the greatest boost in government financial support for the arts since 2010; the department’s budget now comprises 1.1% of that of the entire state.
Category Archives: Culture news
Nobel de littérature : Bob Dylan ne répond pas

Le chanteur qui a reçu le prix Nobel de littérature n’a toujours pas réagi 24 heures après avoir été distingué.
Près de vingt-quatre heures après avoir attribué le prix Nobel de littérature au chanteur et compositeur américain Bob Dylan, l’Académie suédoise n’avait « toujours pas » parlé vendredi avec la superstar, qui a pourtant donné un concert dans l’intervalle.
Distant languages have similar sounds for common words

Researchers uncover ancient links between many of the world’s tongues.
| Athens Named World Book Capital for 2018 by UNESCO

Irina Bokova, the Director-General of UNESCO, has named Athens World Book Capital for 2018 on the recommendation of the programme’s Advisory Committee.
The city of Athens was chosen for the quality of its activities, supported by the entire book industry. The proposed programme includes meetings with writers, translators and illustrators, concerts, thematic exhibitions, poetry readings and workshops for publishing professionals. The aim of the programme is to make books accessible to the city’s entire population, including migrants and refugees. Members of the Advisory Committee also praised Athens’ cultural infrastructure and its expertise in organizing international events.
| EU flags waved at Last Night of the Proms in anti-Brexit protest

Concertgoers at The Last Night Of The Proms have shown their solidarity with the European Union by waving EU flags during the performance.