Tag Archives: Ukrainian Nazi
Irrefutable proof of OUN Involvement in massacre at Babi Yar

by Vladimir Kornilov
Translated by Ollie Richardson & Angelina Siard
Now Kiev is trying to refute the irrefutable – the involvement of the OUN in the executions at Babi Yar. Here is more proof. In front of you is the newspaper “Ukrayinske Slovo” published by a “OUN marching group” in Kiev. The number 28 September 1941, exactly when Babi Yar mass executions began.
And the “Ukrayinske Slovo” is released with a picture of Hitler on the cover and the editorial “For Ukraine, for its freedom,” with calls to help with everything “German liberators”: “The struggle, which is now in Ukraine, is a Holy battle! It is the fight in defense of culture and civilization… nowadays by the orders of its leader completes a German soldier… Ukraine is covered in the fresh graves of her liberators – the German soldiers. Ukrainian black soil, watered generously by the blood of their sons, now also impregnated with German blood. Without this blood, without sacrifice of the German soldier without weapons and will of its leadership, the Holy Ukrainian land be trampled on by long red boots of Bolshevik’s profane“.
| ‘If Ukrainian demonstrations not a masquerade, Poroshenko could be overthrown’

The protests could be a way of allowing Kiev to say: ‘Look, we’ve got these terrible people protesting against us, but we’re nonetheless going to allow elections in Donbass, John Laughland, director of studies at the Institute of Democracy and Cooperation in Paris, told RT.
| Nazi demonstration in Ukraine

May 20, Nazi demonstration took part in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. Some 5 000 of the neo-Nazi storm-troopers of Azov regiment (of Interior Ministry of Ukraine) and other Nazi paramilitaries were marching to the Parliament demanding to resume the civil war and stop peace negotiations with Donbas rebels. They were chanting: ‘Glory to the nation, death to enemies”, “Ukraine is above all”.
The neo-Nazi leader of the Azov regiment of the National Guard of Ukraine and the Azov Civilian Corps has threatened during the Azov-led torch-lit rally in front of the parliament to use force against the parliament and the president if they would consent to elections in separatist-controlled Donbas. Biletsky is also a member of the Ukrainian parliament linked to the People’s Front, which forms the ruling coalition with the Petro Poroshenko Bloc.
Last months Western powers started to push gas, as Nuland expressed, and try to force Ukraine’s implementation of Minsk agreement on Donbas. Ukrainian politicians resist to very idea of any steps in this direction. Under these conditions Azov’s march has special meaning. Look through the facts: 1/ Azov is loyal to Kiev regime, 2/ supporters of Minsk agreement have no majority in the parliament. It looks like anti-Minsk majority in the parliament simulate external threat and pressure from radicals in order to avoid voting and demonstrate convincing pretext for Western rulers of Ukraine.
| Nazis in Kiev demolished the memorial plaque to Kiev antifascist

Nazis in Kiev demolished the memorial plaque to Kiev antifascist Ukrainian-Jewish fighter Tanya Markus.
She began her antifascist struggle as a “Ukrainian girl” in 1941 when she approached a German military unit to “greet the liberators” and then suddenly tossed a grenade, hidden in a bunch of flowers and killed four soldiers. A German tank started to fire around but was soon hit by a second grenade, thrown by Tanya’s father.
However, some weeks later her father Yossif Markus was identified as Jew and shot in the ravine of Babi Yar, where approximately 100 000 Jews as well as some thousand Romani people, Soviet war prisoners and Resistance fighters were murdered during the German occupation.
Tanya Markus herself could first escape the death.
Tanya was a beautiful 20-year-old and German officers sought her favors, enabling her to trap and shoot more than 20 of these officers, including an SS colonel in charge of hunting down the resistance fighters in the city of Kiev.
After his assassination Hitler personally gave an order to “find the terrorist” and soon the Gestapo suspected Tanya Markus.
She escaped Kiev, but was caught on her way to the partisans while trying to help an injured companion.
Despite five months of the most horrible tortures she did not give her captors any names or information.
On 29 January 1943 Tanya Markus either was shot in Babi Yar or died of tortures in the Gestapo jail of Kiev.
| Ukrainian Nazis staged a torchlight procession
The Nazis from “Azov” regiment staged a torchlight procession in Cherkassy and burned a Russian flag.
On Saturday, 23 April more than a thousand people, most of whom – visitors militants, took part in a torchlight procession through the streets of Cherkassy.
Nazis of “Azov”, “Falcon” and other military units marched across the city with torches and flags with Nazi symbols.
This gathering was dedicated to the memory of the Bandera groups that Soviet troops defeated in 1944. Nobody was arrested. “Azov” is a regiment included to the Ministry of Interior armed forces.