Category Archives: Analyst

UK | Ken Loach: BBC news manipulative and deeply political


Director Ken Loach has taken aim at the BBC, describing its news coverage as “manipulative and deeply political” and saying it is a “rotten place for a director”.

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USA | How the Gig Economy Profits off Desperation


by Paris Marx

“Children are running the company [Homejoy] and they act like they are still in college. The poor cleaners are being treated like slaves; the children make fun of them behind their backs; this company is a tax-evader and a moral concern to the working class.”

—anonymous former employee of house-cleaning startup Homejoy

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Precarity is an emerging abandonment that pushes us away from a livable life. In a growing body of scholarship centered on social marginalization, the concept of precarity has come to name “the politically induced condition in which certain populations suffer from failing social and economic networks . . . becoming differentially exposed to injury, violence, and death” (Butler 2009, 25). This term is nested within larger ontological questions of finitude and the ultimate precariousness of life. Understanding life as precarious suggests that social existence itself depends on interdependency through the care of others. The bodies and affective labor of other humans and nonhumans sustain our survival. We also come to depend on institutionalized forms of recognition, infrastructure that shapes our place in the world. When these systems of care and support are fragmented by the uneven impacts of capitalism and global forms of racism and exploitation, precarity emerges as an acute expression of precariousness. Precarity is thus fundamentally concerned with politics. It describes the way that the precariousness of life is exploited, how the lives of underemployed minorities, their struggles and suffering, are rendered abject and meaningless.

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Venezuela | Venezuela Farmers Fight Monsanto Seed ‘Imperialism’ – and Win

In this historic victory–arguably the biggest thing to happen in Venezuela since the death of Hugo Chavez–a movement of small farmers took on one of the largest corporations in the world, and won.

“Nature will always prevail,” says Angel Moreno, a campesino and leader in the National Network of Popular Agroecological Schools, as he points to the grass sprouting through the sidewalk in the mountain village of Monte Carmelo in Venezuela. “But if we’re going to fight imperialism, we need seeds.”

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Protest and propaganda: What the Russian embassy row is all about


by Alex Snowdon

What’s behind the hysteria over protesting outside the Russian Embassy? Alex Snowdon considers the motives of Stop the War’s critics.

Another day passes without those who apparently want to protest at the Russian Embassy actually calling a protest outside the Russian Embassy.

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