| Portland Anti-Trump Protest Declared a ‘Riot’ on Third Night of Unrest

mBy Nico Lang
Twenty-six people were arrested in Portland after local police declared a “riot” following three consecutive nights of protests in the Oregon city.
Thursday night’s demonstration, which was organized by a coalition of groups calling themselves “,” began as a peaceful gathering. Thousands of protesters took the streets, chanting “Not my president!” and blocking through-traffic. The scene became violent, however, when groups not affiliated with the protest began joining in, vandalizing property and starting fires, as Oregon Public Broadcasting reports.
| Two leaders of Turkish left party persecuted by the establishment but strike back

As the state of emergency regime of Tayyip Erdogan and the AKP steps up its persecution of working class and Kurdish opposition, two prominent leaders of the younger generation of the Revolutionary Workers’ Party (DIP) have been submitted to persecution. Levent Dölek, Deputy Chairperson of DIP and a lecturer at the Faculty of Economics of Istanbul University, was among a group of social fighters at the university who were expelled from their posts by a government decree. Mert Kükrer, on the other hand, a leader of the Ankara branch of the party and research assistant and doctoral candidate at the Middle East Technical University of Ankara, was, for a second time, threatened by the administration of his university with expulsion in an act that blatantly makes opportunistic use of the state of emergency reigning in the country since the failed coup of 15 July this year.
Past five years hottest on record, says UN weather agency

8 November 2016 – In a new detailed analysis of the global climate between 2011 and 2015 – the hottest 5-year period on record – the United Nations weather agency has found an increasingly visible human footprint on extreme weather and climate events with dangerous and costly impacts.
| Bernie Sanders offre de travailler avec Donald Trump

Le candidat déçu à la primaire démocrate américaine Bernie Sanders, qui avait galvanisé des foules de jeunes en appelant à une « révolution politique », a affirmé mercredi être prêt à travailler avec le nouveau président élu Donald Trump s’il compte vraiment « améliorer la vie des familles de travailleurs ».

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