Odessa: Right Sector Attack May 2nd Mourners With Tear Gas


Members of the Odessa branch of “Right Sector”, on October 2nd, at the corner of Rishelievskaya and Malaya Arnautskaya, attacked a car with activists of Kulikovo field.
As was told to TIMER by the victims, the aim of the “righties” was to steal the makeshift memorial to those killed on 2 May 2014, which the activists raised on Kulikovo field during mourning — including on this day, October 2nd.

According to “Kulikovo”, members, “Right Sector” were surveying them starting from Kulikovo field, and on the crossroad of Rishelievskaya and Malaya Arnautskaya blocked with their car the road for the activists’ car, and then attacked them. During the attack, “Right Sector” used tear gas, and then broke into the trunk, which was carrying the makeshift memorial, and kidnapped it.
Sergey Sternenko [Right Sector member – ed] brags with photos of the theft on his Facebook page.

While people came to mourn their dead from 2nd May, 2014, chanting “we will not forget, we will not forgive”, and recite the names of the victims, Ukrainian Right Sector says the following:
“I don’t understand why in a Ukrainian city, after 2.5 years of war, a gathering is still allowed of people who have an anti-Ukrainian, pro-Russian position, who receive, working in Ukrainian establishments, Ukrainian state pensions, who curse “Junta” to express their anti-Ukrainian position.”
“On Kulikovo field, vata [pejorative word for pro-Russians, which comes from “Vatnik” – ed] are gradually gathering on Kulikovo field, while their announced meeting is at 16:00. We are also present, waiting for the beginning of Shabash. Come on down.”


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