Monthly Archives: September 2016
| India issues alert in frontier areas with Pakistan following “surgical attacks”

Sept. 30 (Xinhua) — Indian authorities Thursday sounded an alert in various states that share border with Pakistan and in areas close to Line of Control (LoC) dividing Kashmir, officials said.
| Pressure at Ukrainian media grows up

The 112 Ukraine TV channel has been an object of authority’s pressure since last year. This is not opposition TV channel, but it carries out an independent informational policy. On September 27 its management stuff issued a statement in order to remind this difficult situation.
They say:
“The 112 Ukraine TV channel does not cease to be under pressure from the authorities, and today the depriving of the television broadcasting licenses is already considered by the court. In addition, 112 Ukraine is constantly forced to fend off attempts to manipulate the issue of its acquisition by one or other odious businessman.
| Troubling gaps in the new report of the MH-17 crash

By Robert Parry
The new accusation of Russian complicity in 2014 Malaysia Airlines shootdown was based on Ukrainian intelligence intercepts that were selectively interpreted while contrary information was ignored, writes Robert Parry.
The key conclusion of the Dutch-led criminal inquiry implicating Russia in the 2014 shootdown of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 relied heavily on cryptic telephone intercepts that were supplied by the Ukrainian intelligence service and were given incriminating meaning not clearly supported by the words.
| Dutch probe : MH17 downed by launcher from Russia

Dutch-led criminal investigators said Wednesday they have solid evidence that a Malaysian jet was shot down by a Buk missile moved into eastern Ukraine from Russia. Wilbert Paulissen, head of the Central Crime Investigation department of the Dutch National Police, said communications intercepts showed that pro-Moscow rebels had called for deployment of the mobile surface-to-air weapon, and reported its arrival in rebel-controlled areas of eastern Ukraine. From that and other evidence collected by the Joint Investigation Team, “it may be concluded MH17 was shot down by a 9M38 missile launched by a Buk, brought in from the territory of the Russian Federation, and that after launch was subsequently returned to the Russian Federation,” Paulissen told a news conference. The conclusions were billed as results of a two-year Dutch-led criminal probe of the disaster that claimed 298 lives.
| President of Israel reminded crimes of glorified Ukrainian nationalists

Israel’s President Reuven Rivlin spoke on Tuesday in the Ukraine Parliament in Kiev. He visited Ukraine in order to take part in the 75th anniversary of the Babi Yar Massacre. The Babi Yar ravine on the outskirts of Kiev is the site of one of the Holocaust’s most notorious massacres, when at least 34,000 Jews were murdered in 1941 by the Nazi Einsatzgruppen (mobile killing squads).
In his address, Israel’s president warned the Ukraine lawmakers that although the relationship between Jerusalem and Kiev is today focused on the future, it is nevertheless important never to forget history. Rivlin said that anti-Semitism ‘must be recognized for what it was’ when the tens of thousands of Jews and non-Jews were slaughtered at Babi-Yar, and ‘for what it is today,’ and not rehabilitate or glorify anti-Semites. No interest can ever justify silence, apathy, or hesitation in the face of anti-Semites.