Olivier Stone presents a documentary “Ukraine on fire”

Olivier Stone 62 ^ TaorminaFilmFest (11-18 June) presents “Ukraine on Fire” by Igor Lopatonok, a documentary film of which he is co-producer and author interviews.Many of the films on Ukraine depart from the February Revolution of 2014 known as “Euromaiden”, the Lopatonok film, strongly supported by Stone albeit from those facts beyond. Oliver Stone, with the pitch and the air of the best surveys, urges his listeners to understand the facts Fund. Through interviews conducted by the Oscar-winning director to the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, the former president Viktor Yanukovych, the former Interior Minister Vitaliy Zakharchenko, in “Ukraine on Fire” talking about the hot topics and turning points of the war, of the Ukrainian crisis, the “behind the scenes” and the current political situation and its potential danger to the world.”We are very pleased to have a director like Oliver Stone in Taormina with Lopatonok. – Said Tiziana Rocca, general manager of the festival -. To show to our audience of university students a film with Ukraine on Fire we believe it is very important to show another side of contemporary history. “At the Taormina Festival will preview the Lapatonok film with Oliver Stone will speak to the public and to the press. The TaorminaFilmFest is produced by Agnus Dei, promoted by the Taormina Arte Committee, with the support of the Ministry of Heritage and Culture, and of the Sicilian Region – Department of Sport Tourism and Entertainment, and Department of Cultural Heritage and Identity Sicilian, and with the collaboration of Sicily Film Commission / Special Office for Cinema and Audiovisual and the Agency for National Cohesion of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, under the project “Contemporary Senses Cinema and Audiovisual”.
You can see trailer here http://video.repubblica.it/dossier/taormina-film-fest-2016/al-taormina-film-fest-ukraine-on-fire-il-trailer/243492/243538
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